Growing Style
Wood Crafts
Early on I learned to love natural materials; wood in particular as I saw the beautiful work my grandfather created from local trees, turned into small tables, cribs and household goods for the family. He showed me the joys of working with wood and the natural beauty captured in each board. Later, I learned to enjoy and respect our outdoors, forests and beauty all over B.C. and Canada where my father was always ready to show us the history and inspiration from the roadside, back woods and hillsides. With both of these in mind I work to create useful, beautiful and lasting work in my shop that captures the beauty of wood and the natural environment.
I started Growing Style Woodcrafts to combine all of those ideas and help bring beauty, utility and nature together. I work to support local businesses, local markets and local residents when sourcing materials and creating items which will be enjoyed for years to come. My small home-based shop allows me to focus on quality over quantity and to provide service specific to the needs of my clients.
I hope you find specialty goods created with patience and care for your enjoyment, or let me know what you are looking for and let me build to your custom requirements.